6 Good Reasons for a CPQ Solution

Find out how your company can benefit from Configure Price Quote (CPQ) in our free eBook.

The expression “time is money”, coined by Benjamin Franklin in 1748, is more relevant today than ever. This is particularly true when launching new products and solutions and providing a prospective customer with a suitable offer for a complex product. If a competitor puts in an offer more quickly, the customer is very often lost. On the other hand, if you only concentrate on speed, you may well race right past the customer’s actual requirements.

Gone are the days when individuality only played a major role in the B2C sector. More and more products and solutions that are perfectly tailored to the individual requirements and needs of B2B customers are coming into focus. This individuality requires a well-thought-out modular product system that allows customised configurations. But also a certain degree of standardisation in order to keep production costs under control.

Many companies in the mechanical engineering sector are also focussing increasingly on systems business. Their portfolios now include not only classical machinery but also additional customised options and supplementary services. This wide and diverse range of services can prove difficult to understand, especially for new employees. Long periods of training, time- and resource-consuming coordination processes and even incorrect offers can result.

And this is precisely where Configure Price Quote (CPQ) comes in.

In our free eBook we provide an insight into the world of product configuration, pricing, and quote generation for complex products and solutions.

Learn how to use a CPQ solution to…

  • make your product variety manageable.
  • avoid mistakes in the generation of quotes.
  • ensure your long-term profitability.
  • speed up your quotation processes.
  • offer additional services with confidence.
  • centrally embed your corporate expertise.

At the end of the book you can also test yourself to find out if CPQ is the right solution for your business.
