Compressed air is the fuel for countless industrial processes. Therefore, it is all the more important that the plant producing it is perfectly designed for the process, size and required performance. Otherwise energy may be wasted or the reserve capacity not fully utilised, leading to an inefficient and unreliable operation. In this complex area, the sales representatives at BOGE KOMPRESSOREN are now in a position to tailor quotations on the spot to fit each of these requirements perfectly.
Industry: Mechanical engineering
Portfolio: Industrial compressors and compressed air systems
Headquarters: Bielefeld
Size: 630 employees
Customer benefits
- Fast and individual quotation generation
- Availability overview and access to current conditions
- Attractive and uniform quotation design worldwide
- Intuitive operation and user interface in BOGE corporate design
- Quick access to the appropriate KMAT
- SAP-compliant configuration
- Availability for in-house and field staff
- Extensive data exchange with SalesAssistant (Lotus Notes)
- Automatic updating
Customer testimonial
“The sales staff can manage day-to-day business via the catalogue, search with tht configurator, and also generate special products and completet systems”
Thorsten Meier
Managing Director