Ist Ihr Vertriebsprozess auf dem Neusten Stand?

Ist Ihr Vertriebsprozess ‚up to date‘?

Ist Ihr Vertriebsprozess auf dem Neusten Stand?

Ist Ihr Vertriebsprozess ‚up to date‘?


Discover the potential!

dentify the weak points and potential of your sales process. Use our expert workshop to determine what advantages a CPQ solution can have for you and what still has to be done up to that point.

How well does your sales process work? Do your customers have to wait too long for a quotation? Does quote generation tie up too many valuable resources in your organisation? Do you offer the right solution for the specific problems of your customers? Do you offer these solutions at the best possible – competitive – price?

If you are unable to or find it difficult to answer these questions, then you should subject your sales process to a situational analysis.. Because only when you know your current weaknesses and potential can you develop a successful roadmap for the future: a roadmap for a more efficient sales process with better results.

Our offer to you

Together with you, we will carry out a process analysis and identify potential for improvement. We will examine your IT infrastructure, identify unnecessary redundancies in the data management process and point out media discontinuities and other potential for optimisation. We will investigate what benefits you can achieve by introducing (or adapting) a CPQ solution. We will evaluate your product portfolio together with you and develop recommendations on whether and for which products the introduction of configuration is worthwhile.

What CPQ stands for

CPQ is the acronym for the process chain Configure-Price-Quote in sales. Here, multi-variant products are configured and priced for quote generation.

Configure: Through configuration, your salespeople specify correct solutions based on customer requirements. You will also recognize whether you have to abandon your standard portfolio and sell special solutions if necessary.

Price: Individual solutions require individual prices. With the help of a CPQ solution, you can adapt pricing and costing to your requirements and quickly determine the right prices for your quotes.

Quote: Your quotations are the business card of your company. They should meet your aesthetic and content requirements and reflect the value of your products.

Your advantages

You obtain a detailed overview of your current sales process and its potential for the future:

  • You create a decision-making tool for planning future optimizations in your sales process.
  • You identify weak areas in your IT landscape and learn how to consolidate them.
  • You will find out what prerequisites must be fulfilled to be able to make the best use of a CPQ solution.
  • You will establish which products in your portfolio will benefit most from the introduction of configuration, and which to a lesser extent.

The target group

This offer is particularly intended for those with senior positions in sales, design/production and product management.

If you would like to find out whether your process could be faster – and deliver better results, then this situational analysis is ideal for you.

The course of action

The situational analysis takes place in the form of a joint workshop. This workshop will usually last two days and will take place at your site. If required, we are also happy to tailor the situational analysis to your individual requirements. Two experts from encoway will discuss the various aspects of your sales process with you and then evaluate them.

The results essentially consist of three elements. They include:

  • A clearly structured diagram of your sales process, enhanced with current pain points and recommendations for potential optimizations.
  • An overview of your IT landscape, including the system infrastructure and data flows; also with corresponding recommendations for improvement.
  • An overview of your product portfolio with a focus on suitable products for a CPQ solution and the prerequisites that must be fulfilled.

Take advantage of the many years of experience of our consultants and get in touch with us.

Picture of Dr. Thomas Sindt
Dr. Thomas Sindt

Projektleiter, encoway GmbH

Das Wichtigste in Kürze:

  • Eine Standortbestimmung Ihres Vertriebsprozesses identifiziert Schwachstellen und Potenziale, um zukünftige Optimierungen zu planen und bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
  • Unser Expertenworkshop analysiert Ihre IT-Infrastruktur, erkennt Redundanzen und Medienbrüche, und bewertet die Vorteile einer CPQ-Lösung für Ihr Produktportfolio.



Über encoway

encoway bietet Software für die Vermarktung von Baukastenprodukten. Unsere Lösungen zur Produktkonfiguration und Angebotserstellung sorgen für Effizienzsteigerungen in Vertrieb und Marketing des Maschinen- und Komponentenbaus sowie verwandter Branchen. Wir ermöglichen kompetentes Variantenmanagement mit Blick zum Markt, eingebettet in IT-Infrastrukturen wie z. B. SAP ERP, Salesforce oder Microsoft Dynamics CRM.