VDMA Tagung Variantenmanagement

VDMA Variant Management Conference 2021

The 10th VDMA Variant Management Conference will be held virtually on 14.9.2021. The conference will take place under the motto “Holistic configuration management for increased customer satisfaction” and will focus on questions such as

  • Which product variants are required?
  • How can product variants be developed based on data?
  • What data is relevant for the customer and how can a mutually beneficial relationship between company and customer be achieved?

We are delighted that our customer HBCradiomatic will be giving a fascinating lecture. Dr Jochen Antes, a member of the executive board and Head of Product Management at HBCradiomatic GmbH, will talk on the subject of “Optimising product variants to meet customer requirements and to make processes more efficient”. He will focus on the following topics:

  • Integrated use of data across the various departments of a company.
  • Gaining a better understanding of the characteristics of the product portfolio for individual markets and market segments.
  • Using data as a basis for decision-making in order to react to changes as early as possible.

For further information and to view the full programme and register for the event, please visit the Institute of Mechanical Engineering website.