Baukastenstrategien erfolgreich einführen und umsetzen

Successfully introduce and implement modular strategies

Baukastenstrategien erfolgreich einführen und umsetzen

Successfully introduce and implement modular strategies


Use the Modularity Canvas® to document the status quo of your processes in variant management and quote generation in a structured way. Discover the potential that a modular strategy can offer for your company and benefit from the solutions provided!

Is the compilation of products or services transparent for your customers and sales staff, and is there enough scope? Are you only able to successfully compile quotations with the help of your best engineers? Does quote generation (unnecessarily) take up a lot of time? Do you want to achieve a higher degree of customisation and standardisation?

If you have already asked yourself these or similar questions, it is time to document your current status quo in quote generation. We developed the Modularity Canvas method together with the University of Bremen especially to address this issue. The Modularity Canvas is based on our many years of practical experience in product configuration and on the latest research results. It has already been successfully implemented with several business partners.

Your benefit of the variant management strategy

With the Modularity Canvas you will identify vulnerabilities and potential as the basis of your future modular strategy:

  • You will learn how your company can benefit from product variety.
  • You will be able to evaluate and prioritise future investments according to their contribution to your corporate strategy.
  • You will obtain a structured overview of potentials in the variant management and quote generation processes.
  • You will learn which prerequisites have to be created in order to successfully implement a modular strategy.

The target group

The method is of benefit to companies facing the challenge of delivering highly individual services in a demanding market, i.e. manufacturers of multi-variant components, equipment or machinery as well as providers of customised services. Especially those responsible for variant management, quote generation and order processing should be involved, for example product managers, sales and marketing staff, as well as employees working in logistics, development and construction.

With the Modularity Canvas to the modular strategy

The Modularity Canvas allows the structured illustration and processing of all phases and issues to be considered at the levels “variant management” and “quote generation and order processing.”

Take a first look: we have provided you with the Modularity Canvas® as a download here.

In a potential workshop, we analyse, together with the relevant individuals from your company, the processes and data flows both in strategic variant management and in operational quote generation. We are thus able to identify redundancies, media discontinuities and other areas of potential for improvement.

The results of the workshop are then reviewed and processed by our experienced consultants. Together with you, we will then prepare a final presentation and you will receive the results in the form of an attractive set of slides. Use the results to take the next steps towards a modularisation strategy. Organise your processes in variant management and quote generation more efficiently and increase your competitiveness.

Take advantage of the many years of experience of our consultants and get in touch with us.

The most important facts in brief:

  • The Modularity Canvas® helps to record the status quo in variant management and offer creation and to identify potential for a modular strategy.
  • Companies benefit from a structured analysis that identifies weaknesses and potential and prioritises investments.



About encoway

encoway offers software for the marketing of modular products. Our solutions for product configuration and quotation generation increase efficiency in sales and marketing in mechanical engineering, component manufacturing and related industries. We enable competent variant management with a view to the market, embedded in IT infrastructures such as SAP ERP, Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM.